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Indoor Air Quality Quick Facts

  • All of our inspections use MultiRAE devices considered to be one of the most advanced portable chemical detectors on the market, and deliver the broadest PID sensor range in its class. The MultiRAE multi gas meter combines continuous monitoring capabilities for total volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO, CO2, oxygen, and combustibles gases.

  • Whether it’s for remediation or exposure tracking, environmental gas detection can provide real-time information about the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and combustible gases.

  • Health risks from toxic gases exist in nearly every kind of structure. Old buildings often have poor ventilation and aging heating systems that can produce and trap carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Drywall, paint, carpet and other products can off-gas in new structures and emit formaldehyde and other toxins. RAE Systems detectors provide a cost-effective way to monitor these gases in even trace amounts — parts-per-million and parts-per-billion — to ensure that you protect workers and the public.

  • Sources that emit gases or particles into the air are the primary cause of IAQ problems in homes. Poor ventilation can increase levels of these pollutant levels by not directing them outside and by not bringing in enough “fresh” outdoor air to dilute indoor pollutants. High temperature and humidity can also play a role.

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